Why I love/hate Word Problems

Scene 1:
V: “She spent 1/4 of her money on shoes? Mom, she spent more on shoes than she did on lunch!”

Me: “hmmm”

V, to herself: “1/4 of her money on shoes . . . geez . . . ”

Scene 2:

V: “Oh my gosh, mom, he needs 84 chairs! What in the world would anyone need with 84 chairs?”

Me: “Hmmm, maybe he’s going to have a play and he needs the chairs for the audience.”

V: “Yeah, but still, 84 chairs! Where would you keep them?

Me: “I don’t know, move on to the next problem.”

Scene 3:

[prop: workbook with newly drawn comics illustrating the action of the word problems]

Me: “Quit drawing on your workbook! I can’t see the answers in the middle of all those drawings!! No wonder it took you so long to get this done!!”


Filed under Does This Look Funny?, From Violet, Gifted Ed, Gifted Heart and Soul, Schoolday Doings, Uncategorized

2 responses to “Why I love/hate Word Problems

  1. Uh,are you sure the twins weren’t separated at birth, because my half is in that boat too;)

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